Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Psychocorrection activities in complex therapy of patients with psoriasis

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №3 Pages: 466-471
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Short message
Authors: Filonova A.V., Utz S.R., Schneider D.A., Guskova O.P.
Organization: SEH «Saratov regional dermatovenerologic dispensary», Saratov State Medical University

Aim: to examine the psycho-emotional state of patients with psoriasis and to choose the optimal methods of correctional interventions with patients and their family-relatives. Materials and methods. The study included 230 patients with various different forms of psoriasis (150 men and 80 women, mean age 42±2,3) and 183 of their cohabitating relatives. The method of С D. Spielberg and J. L. Khanin was used for the assessment of anxiety degree, quality of life assessment (SF-36 health status survey), as well as a questionnaire, elaborated by our team, for patients with psoriasis. Results. After psychocorrection events in the patients there were noticed the following: decreased anxiety, increased vitality, improved relationships with loved ones, improved emotional state. Conclusion. When using psychotherapy in combination with medication, psoriasis treatment becomes more effective: reduced levels of anxiety, increased life activity, interaction with loved ones becomes more confident, improves emotional state.

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