Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Cytokine markers of the efficiency of correction of oxidative stress in patients with limited sclerodermia

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №3 Pages: 410-414
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Short message
Authors: Tlish M.M., Sorokina N.V.
Organization: Kuban State Medical University

Objective: to improve treatment of patients with limited sclerodermia (LSD) by increasing efficiency and reducing the time of their treatment. Material and methods. The examination and treatment of 52 patients with circumscribed scleroderma were conducted. Two groups of these patients were formed with method of adaptive randomization. In the control group complex treatment was underwent according to the standards in this nosology. In the general group the patients additionally received antioxidant therapy. The course of treatment was 21 days in both groups. Results. Treatment results were evaluated in accordance with the dynamics of cutaneous pathological process and cytokine profile. In the course of treatment positive clinical dynamics in patients of the study group went faster and was accompanied by a more pronounced reduction in inflammatory activity in the blood serum. Conclusion. The results suggest that antioxidant therapy improves the efficiency and reduces the treatment time of patients with circumscribed sclerodermia.

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