Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Low-energy electromagnetic irradiation for eczema treatment

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №3 Pages: 546-551
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type: Short message
Authors: Karakaeva A.V., Utz S.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Purpose: to study the efficacy of treatment and diagnostic complex "Elec-troMAG" as a new method of physical therapy in complex treatment of truths-term eczema. Matherial and Methods. The article presents the results of application in complex treatment of 42 patients with a diagnosis of true eczema low-intensity electromagnetic radiation. The course of treatment consisted of 12 sessions. Acomparison group (30 patients) received conventional therapy with standard doses and regimens of drugs without the use of physiotherapy therapies. The clinical efficiency was estimated on the basis of the definition of the functional state of the aquatic components of the internal environment of an organism at eczematous process and on the basis of defined-dividing the index of prevalence and severity of eczema EASI. Results. Identified a high effectiveness of low-intensity electromagnetic effect on the disease process, as evidenced by the earlier reduction of the clinical symptoms than in the comparison group, confirming the reduction of the absolute values of the index EASI. Conclusion. The obtained results suggest the safety and effectiveness of high-efficiency of this method of physical therapy treatment of eczema

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