Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Urgent problems of improvement of stomatologic aid to patients with locally extended cancer of oral cavity mucus

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №3 Pages: 397-399
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Ivanova О.V., Maty akin G.G., Lepilin A.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Central Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Astrakhan Stomatologic Polyclinic №4

Aim of the investigation: to develop the methods of increasing effectiveness of stomatologic accompanying therapy at all stages of locally extended cancer of oral cavity mucus. Material and methods: The results of treatment of 563 patients with locally extended cancer of oral cavity mucus have been analyzed. Among them 205 patients with the proved diagnosis were examined by a dentist. A special committee developed a plan of accompanying therapy where a stomatologic treatment was significant. Other 358 patients were not examined by a dentist before therapy. Re-sults. Planning of stomatologic aid and carrying out measures directed to the prevention of complications against the background of combined and complex therapy of locally extended cancer of oral cavity mucus allows to decrease the number of hemorrhagic complications to 4,9%, local inflammatory processes — to 2,7% as well as other complications. Conclusion: Planning of accompanying stoma-tologic therapy and organization of adequate curable and rehabilitation measures significantly improves life quality of the patients with locally extended cancer of oral cavity mucus.

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