Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Perioperative complications at patients with high anesthesiologic-operational risk (literature review, part I)

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 561-565
Heading: Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Article type: Review
Authors: Sadchikov D.M., Prigorodov M.V., Vartanjan T.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Perinatal Centre, Saratov Military Medical Institute

In the literary review frequency, risk factors, reasons and mechanisms of perioperative complications occurrence are submitted at thorax and abdominal interventions, including common data, cardiovascular complications, data about massive blood loss, condition of respiratory system, hemostasiologic complications; reasons of complications development are specified, consequences of inadequate anesthesia are named, mechanisms of perioperative complications development and consequence of a protein-power failure are considered

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