Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Evaluation of the efcacy of neuroprotective therapy after endovitreal surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №2 Pages: 460-464
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Egorov A.V., Egorov V.V., Smoliakova G.P.
Organization: The Khabarovsk branch of the S. Fedorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution

 Purpose: to develop optimal approaches to the use of cytofavin for neuroprotection and to evaluate their efective-ness in patients after endovitreal surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) with anatomically complete retinal attachment. Material and Methods. 68 people (68 eyes) with primary RRD. Three-port vitrectomy with silicone oil tamponade in the vitreous cavity and its subsequent removal were performed. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the main group (38 people who received cytofavin added to standard therapy), and the control group (30 people with standard therapy only). Depending on visual prognosis calculated before surgery, the main and control groups consisted of patients with tolerable and low levels of visual prognosis. We used laser doppler fowmetry (to register microcirculation index (MI) and microcirculation efciency index (MEI)). Morphological signs of macular ischaemia were recorded by optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-angiography). Results. Regardless of visual prognosis, the response dynamics of the chorioretinal microcirculation in patients was unidirectional. In patients of the main group 6 months after the surgery, more signifcant positive changes in growth of amplitude of MI and MEI, as well as positive dynamics of OCT-angiography were observed. Conclusion. Including cytofavin neuroprotection in postoperative treatment in patients after

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