Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Pathophysiological evaluation of common neonatal factors of the pathogenesis of hemolytic anemia and infammation

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №2 Pages: 372-376
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Geraskin V.A., Potemina T.E., Geraskin I.V., Komlev D.Yu.
Organization: Privolzhskiy Research Medical University

Objective: to determine the damage of blood elements as tissue damage — to study hemolytic anemia from the position of infammation. Material and Methods. Clinical and laboratory data of 187 neonatal patients were included in the examination group. The dynamics of blood erythrocyte indices was studied taking into account the dependence on age, anthropometric parameters, the severity of diseases and the intensity of oxygenotherapy. The composition and features of oxidative modifcations of lipid structures of biological membranes of erythrocytes were investigated. Results. The values of the elements of alteration in the pathogenesis of hemolysis were determined. Changes of erythrocyte membranes in oxidative hemolysis were investigated. The review and comparison of the information contained in the classical and periodicals on pathological physiology, Hematology. Conclusion. The study damage to the blood elements as tissue damage allows you to apply for the study of hemolytic anemias the concept of development of infammation.

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