Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

On the issue of surgical reconstruction in complicated aggressive hemangiomas of sacrolumbar transitional spine

Year: 2018, volume 14 Issue: №3 Pages: 487-492
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Arsenievich V.B., Zaretskov V.V., Likhachev S.V., Stepukhovich S.V., Mizyurov S.A., Sadchikov D.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

We presented surgical results of complicated aggressive hemangioma treatment in transitional sacrolumbar spine. It has been stated that individual peculiarities of decompressive stabilizing surgery depend on the volume of vertebral lesions and their results improve in the combination with presurgical X-ray therapy.

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