Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Influence of drinking behavior on the content of alpha-amylase of oral fluid in students with and without predictor of inflammation on the background of educational stress

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №1 Pages: 9-13
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Baisheva GM, Melnik KN.
Organization: Togliatti Clinical Hospital №5, Samara State Medical University

 The aim: to study the content of a-amylase in oral fluid in healthy young people (mean age 18 years), depending on the presence of a predictor of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in physiologically adjusted drinking behavior against the background of educational stress. Material and Methods. For three months, we studied three groups: the main group (30 people, consumed water 30-35 ml per 1 kg of body weight treated with the electromagnetic device), a placebo group (30 people used water 30-35 ml per 1 kg of body weight, but consumed water with a placebo device that does not have an electromagnetic base) and a control one (25 people who do not change their water drinking behavior). To identify the features of sAA oscillations, all groups were divided into subpopulations with predictors of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (IL-1(3>212 pg/ml) and without such status (IL-1(3<212 pg/ml). The level of a-amylase activity was determined by a colorimetric method on Cobas C111 automated equipment (Roche), the concentration of IL-1J3 was detected by ELISA on an Infinity F50 photometer (Tecan). Results. Secretory alpha-amylase activity by the end of the study decreased in the main group; in the placebo and control groups, baseline values were exceeded. In the subpopulations with predictors of inflammatory dental diseases (IL-1(3<212 pg/ml) of the main group, the sAA activity decreased by 2.5 times; in the subpopulations without predicates of inflammatory changes (IL-1(3 <212 pg/ml), a significant decrease in enzyme activity in the main group was observed and an increase in the control. The percentage of sympathotonics at the end of the experiment in the main group was lower than in the placebo and control groups. Conclusion. A relation was found between a decrease in the level of a-amylase activity in the oral fluid and corrected water drinking behavior in a subgroup of people without predictors of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, using water in an amount of at least 30-35 ml/kg body weight that was purified by an electromagnetic method.

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