Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Modern aspects of diagnostics and monitoring of tape-toretinal degeneration

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №2 Pages: 422-426
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Nekhorosheva А.А., Popova T.S., Batishcheva Yu.S., Kolbenev I.O.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Objective: to evaluate the informativity of clinical and instrumental methods of examining patients with tapetoretinal abiotrophy (TRA). Material and Methods. 45 patients with a diagnosis ofTRA, divided into 3 groups: 1) 8 people (under 18 years); 2) 20 people (19-40 years); 3) 17 people (over 41 years). Performed: standard ophthalmological examination, computer perimetry (kinetic, static perimetry in the "Macula threashold 24-2bs" mode, OCULUS Twinfield device), fundus shots (TOPCON device), EPS* (Neuro-MEP device). Results. The average total value of the visual fields of the first group patients amounted to 394±23°, the second group has 173±26° result and the third group has 86±15° result. Mean deviation of the bacillary component of electroretinogram in the first group has reached 53.8±10.4%, 70.2±4.3% in the second group and 84.7±7.3% in the third group. As for the rhythmic component, the indicators were following: 20.3±4.3%, 41.6±5.2%, 62.3±6.4% in the first, second and the third groups respectively. The data of static perimetry showed a decrease in the average photosensitivity in the central parts with respect to the population's age. According to the data of ophthalmoscopy the bony bodies' remoteness of the location from the center of the fundus corresponds to the degree of narrowing of the field of vision. Conclusion. There is a significant relationship between the total value of the peripheral boundaries of the visual field, electroretinogram data and perimetry.

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