Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The results of the analysis of lichen planus episodes in the Krasnodar region for 2012-2015years and its clinical features

Year: 2016, volume 12 Issue: №3 Pages: 458-462
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Tlish M.M., Sycheva N.L., Osmolovskaya P.S., Shavilova M.E.
Organization: Kuban State Medical University

Aim: to study the features of lichen planus in the Krasnodar region. Materials and methods. Total 68 clinical cases have been analyzed. The patients were subdivided into age groups in accordance with physiological age gradation. The Classification of lichen planus proposed by the Federal clinical guidelines for the management of patients with lichen planus (Moscow, 2015) was used. The diagnosis in each case was confirmed by histological examination of biopsy specimens of the skin. The data on the prevalence of lichen planus was obtained from the annual reports of the Clinical dermatovenerology dispensary of Krasnodar city from year 2012 to 2015. Results. Women were found to suffer

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