Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Expert quality evaluation of out-patient medical care for patients with cerebral infarction in the early recovery period

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №3 Pages: 333-337
Heading: Proceedings of all-Russia week of science with international participants Article type: Original article
Authors: Parkhomenko А.А., Erugina M.V., Kolokolov O.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The purpose of the research is to work out the measures of an improvement of the out-patient rehabilitation of patients with cerebral infarction in the early recovery period. Materials and Methods. Method of the expert evaluation was used for collecting data (29 questionnaires); analysis of variance, Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest, Kendall coefficient of concordance, Kemeni median were applied for processing data. Results. According to the expert opinion it is necessary to increase the role of polyclinics in a process of the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral infarction and to improve the quality of out-patient medical care in cases of this disease. Experts consider that insufficient technical provision and lack of personnel in the system of primary health care foremost lower quality of medical care. Absence of an equipment and staff shortage lead to imperfection of the rehabilitation process and poor results of recovery after cerebral infarction. Conclusion. The improvement of out-patient medical care in the early recovery period of cerebral infarction is possible through the integral impact on all components of the quality: structure (upgrade of equipment and staff provision), process (increase of length and frequency of patients' visits) and result (adoption of efficiency criteria of cerebral infarction treatment).

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