Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Organizational aspects of conducting of bioequivalence study

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №1 Pages: 203-210
Heading: Parmacology Article type: Original article
Authors: Khokhlov A.L., Kagramanyan I.N., Lileeva E.G., Sinitsina O.A., Miroshnikov A.E., Shitov L.N.
Organization: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl State Medical Academy

Aim: to evaluate the organizational aspects of conducting bioequivalence study in Russia on the example of one of the clinical centers, Yaroslavl. Material and methods. On the basis of the Municipal Autonomous institution of health care of the Yaroslavl region Clinical hospital №2 (CH, clinical base of the Department of clinical pharmacology of YSMA) was held 93 bioequivalence studies and pharmacokinetics in the period from 2011 to 2014, of which 15 studies of foreign sponsors and 78 of domestic producers. Result.: The studies involved 48 volunteers of both sexes from the database of clinical center CH №2. There were 698 females (48.6%) and 739 males (51.4%). The average age of the volunteers was 26,37 years. In each study there were from 18 to 103 volunteers, depending on the design of the research Protocol. At the same time Russian studies ranged about 18-24 volunteers, about 30-103 volunteers abroad. The number of doubles in domestic studies ranged from 2 to 6 persons, and foreign — from 6 to 12 people. 10-15% from the whole number of subjects were not included into the study. Conclusion. In Russia bioequivalence of medicines for more than ten years is the main requirement of medico-biological control generic drugs. Regardless of the manufacturer to the generic drugs are exactly the same as the original drugs, must meet the following requirements: quality efficiency and safety. In connection with the increase in recent years of bioequivalence studies of medicines, require close monitoring of the quality of these studies on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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