Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Assessment of functional status of patients with inclusive defects of upper tooth row

Year: 2013, том 9 Issue: №3 Pages: 364-366
Heading: Стоматология Article type: Оригинальная статья
Authors: Afanasov М.V., Bizyaev A.A., Konnov V.V., Perunov A.U., Krechetov S.A.
Organization: ФГБОУ ВО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Минздрава России

Objective: To increase the efficiency of prosthetics inclusive defects of the dentition of the upper jaw by an objective assessment of the functional status of the patient. Material of the study. Psychological test SAN have been widely used in assessing the psychological and emotional reactions to stress, both patients and healthy individuals, and to identify the individual characteristics and the biological rhythms of the patient»s psycho-physiological reactions. All the examined patients (68) have been divided into two groups. Results: According to the tests of patients it has been showed in group I that the average value of the state which is estimated by the patient is below the physiological norm, in patients in Group II after permanent prosthesis optimal design the average of all tests was 6.1 points. Conclusion: The psycho-emotional changes in the functional status of the patient led to the improvements in manufacturing technology of bridges in inclusive defect of the upper tooth row.

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